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4 Simple Ways To Prevent Heart Disease
Heart disease is a leading cause of death globally. Every day, this fatal disease kills 13 people in Hong Kong. While this may sound morbid, there are many preventative measures we can take to tackle this. 

5 Leading Causes of Death in 2016

(Ranking is based on number of registered deaths in 2015) Ref – Department of Health, Hong Kong
Rank Disease Group No. of Registered Deaths
1 Malignant neoplasms 14,181
2 Pneumonia 8,217
3 Heart diseases 6,174
4 Cerebrovascular diseases 3,211
5 External causes of morbidity and mortality  1,372

1) Eat a Heart-Healthy Diet

The first way to tackle our health issue is to start changing our diet.

 As a guideline, aim to keep:
Sodium:  to less than 2.3g a day
Added Sugar:  to less than 10% of your daily calories
Saturated fat:  to less than 10% of your daily calories


2) Regular Exercise

 Physical activity can help improve your heart circulation and strengthen your heart function. This could reduce the possibility of developing conditions that may act as a strain on your heart, e.g. diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

On a weekly basis:

  • 30 minutes of moderate daily exercise, such as brisk walking, with two rest days per week. A minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity.


  • 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity (e.g., jogging, running)


  • A combination of both every week.

3) Maintain a healthy, consistent weight

You can do this by measuring your Body Mass Index (BMI). This takes your height and weight into consideration and determines whether your body fat levels are with healthy or not. Try and stay within a range between 17.5-23.

4) Do not take up smoking

Smoking raises your blood pressure and is a leading risk factor that contributes to heart disease. Do not smoke or quit smoking if you are already a smoker. Women who smoke and take birth control pills are put themselves at greater risk of a heart attack or stroke because both can increase the risk of blood clots.

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